Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wool over the eyes

Things seemed good.  Not great but good.  Still having money fights but I thought it was his OCD taking hold in a different place.  Anything is better than were it was taking hold.

Thought he was taking his medication and doing his best to make meetings.

Thought: WOW we over 6 months without a relapse.

Thouht we may have just beaten this thing.

David had pulled the wool over both of our eyes.  He relapsed.

1 comment:

  1. oh honey, just reading some of your posts. they don't usually EVER stop. they just get better at hiding it.

    i'm so, so sorry... it really sucks.

    I was wondering what you would tell a woman who had just discovered that her husband was a sex addict?

    I guess everyone needs to go "through the process" until they realize the truth-- the reality of this devastating illness...

    beating this "thing" is well nigh impossible.

    at least, that is my educated conclusion.
