And David makes it easy. I do believe he lacks empathy more than most people so that when he talks he doesn't even think about how his words will sound to the other person. Also a sign of his narcissism.
We were talking about my possible second interview for a sales job. I have submitted more paperwork and am waiting for them to contact me once references are checked. David said he can't wait for me to get a job because then we will be able to put some money in the bank and be in really good financial shape.
Up pops the devil on my shoulder.
The devil makes me say "Well you know the main reason I am looking for a job is so that if I decide to leave you I will have my own money before I take you to court and get spousal support."
Did anything good come from that conversation? No. Did I feel better after it? No.
Another time this weekend I asked him a little more about his chat room behavior. He at this point did not know I was able to decode a good portion of his Yahoo chats and copy them to my personal email account.
Devil, "So when you were chatting with these girls did you ask for their phone number or did they ask for yours?"
David, "I never initiated calling these girls...I learned quickly that once you gave out your phone number they would text you all hours of the day and night."
Devil, "Really because when I found some old chat logs on your computer it seems like you would ask them for their number so they could hear you cum."
Then the devil proceeds to look up this chat log and read it to David:
David (18:40:52): can i call ur celly real aquick and we can cum together?
David (18:41:00): i'll moan for u
anda (18:41:06): that felt amazing
anda (18:41:08): wow
David (18:41:23): wanna hear me cum?
anda (18:42:13): i dont like to give out my number babe but you can record it and email it to me if you wanna be extra nice
David (18:42:23): lol
David (18:42:31): yea too many weirdos here
So did showing David that I had even more details about his problem and proof that he was lying to me make me feel any better? Nope. It did make him feel worse.
Saddest thing is he hoped that I was not sitting at home all day digging over the computer and not getting anything else done. Really? He asked me that? Because he hasn't gone two days without eating before because he was so wired up to porn to notice that he was hungry? Hmmmm...he must live in the most beautiful glass house.
Let me start by saying I'm very sorry to hear what you are going through. I hope you are able to work through this. I think your reaction to your husband's behavior is fair and honest. A trust between you has been violated. I know this is a very hypocritical statement coming from me, but nevertheless it is true. I am very aware of the struggle your husband is going through. I do not offer it as a defence of his behavior; however, as you may have gleaned from my blog, much of what I do is not intentional. It is only with great willpower that I can control this. You are absolutely right that I should tell my wife about my problem. For some time I have thought this is the only real solution. Maybe I will, if I can summon the courage. Please remain patient with your husband; if his problem is like mine it will take time for him to get control of himself.
ReplyDeleteThanks Todd, Please keep posting on your sight. It has helped us some and I have read some of your postings to my husband. Believe me...your wife knows someing is wrong and probably like me keeps hoping it will fix itself or when a stressful item goes away (like my husband in grad school) you will be "happier". Also know that there are groups out there for you. My husband just went to his first Sex Addicts Annon. meeting last week and he wished he had known about that before it got out of hand(or more out of hand) he would have possibly been able to quit before me finding out. Just know you are not alone...Keep posting and working. And thank you!